Chaitali Parmar
Scriptwriter of Queen

Locations are like characters in a film. In the original script of Queen, the journey was from Delhi to Amsterdam, then to Paris. Then they realised that Paris is a much livelier city, so they changed the sequence from what they saw as a slower city to a faster city. This transformed the emotional graph, and the point was to figure out what it would be like to be in the most romantic city. This is where the character must face the pain, and this is also the place where she meets the free-spirited girl played by Diana Hayden. In Amsterdam, the vibe is different; she has a culture shock and meets the boys in the hostel.

Many of the details in the final film were incorporated after I made my first trip to Europe to check the locations. There is a suitcase sequence in the film. Not having travelled to Amsterdam or Paris, Kangana’s character travels with a heavy suitcase that she has to carry up the stairs. This was included after I, a girl from a small town, went to Europe with a large suitcase, not realising that I would have to carry it up the stairs. I saw it as a coming-of-age film with a sense of pureness attached to the characters. Space is a character in the film.

In the Red-Light District of Amsterdam, we see European boys backpacking. There is a man in a wheelchair whom the boys help. So, there was an effort to introduce minor characters that would allow Kangana to shed any judgmental approach—non-judgmental stories linked to foreign locations and characters were essential to the imagination of the film.

We used 35 locations in Paris in 7 days. The hostel and hotel interiors were shot in Bombay (15 days of shooting).

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